Beauty Queen - CLEOPATRA

Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt. Such was herbeauty that she held the affection of not one but two political players on the world stage, Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. Even though she was queen, she was a woman who wanted to be beautiful. Like the women of her day and ours, Cleopatra used the latest beauty treatments and makeup. History has judged her a success as she has become known as one of the most beautiful women of all time.

    Milk Baths

  1. History has recorded some of the beauty treatment used by the mysterious Cleopatra and the women of her time. One beauty treatment she was well known for was her milk bath. This was a practice neighboring Roman women found shocking. Truthfully, milk was just one ingredient of this luxurious bath. A pool or tub was filled with warm fresh water and warm milk was added to the pool. Aromatic flowers and whatever oils she preferred that day were added to the bath. The actual recipe for the milk bath has been lost, but it has been suggested the milk she used was donkeys' milk. Milk is loaded with vitamins A and E which are wonderful for the complexion, especially the facial skin. Some of the enzymes in milk may help your skin regenerate fresh skin cells.
  2. Eye Makeup

  3. Egyptians believed that the beautiful were blessed by their gods. It was important for those that could afford it to be beautiful. Eye shadows of the day came from a variety of sources. Minerals were ground with burnt almonds to create brown eye shadows. Green copper ore was beaten and sifted for green colors. The fragrant spice saffron doubled as a yellow eye color. Cleopatra's eye shadow was applied over the entire eye lid from eyebrow to lid rim. Eyeliner made from lead-based kohl was applied with warm enamel sticks. The kohl liner was used to line the entire circumference of the eye. This too gave the wearer some protection from the brutal glare of the Egyptian sun.
  4. Face Makeup

  5. Cleopatra would have used a foundation makeup with a wax base. This base was formed from animal fats and a white lead called ceruse. She would have applied this foundation to her face and neck, giving her the look of a majestic statue. More whitening was applied to her face with a cloth pad dabbed in some ground white chalk. Cheeks were blushed with a red powder which could have come from many sources, such as crushed beetles and a local red clay. Lips were stained red with a mixture of red clay, a sticky wine residue and some smashed berries.

Cleopatra milk & honey bath:

1/2 cup powdered milk.
1/2 cup raw honey.
2 teaspoon jojoba oil (optional).
Mix ingredients in a large bowl and pour your warm bath. Soak for upto 20 minutes to infuse these beneficial ingredients in your skin. This recipe makes enough for one bath.

Milk and Honey rinse for Wrinkled Skin:(CLEOPATRA SECRET)
1 oz raw honey.
1 cup skim milk.
2 teaspoon aloe vera gel.

Combine ingredients in a jar and shake well. Apply to your face morning and evening with a cotton ball. Store mixture in the refrigerator for upto 3 weeks.

Indian Legendary Beauty - SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN

Shahnaz Husain, the woman who had the burning desire to recapture an ancient heritage and make it relevant to modern demands, the woman with relentless determination, courage and a crusader’s zeal, is rightly honored as the most successful Indian entrepreneur, as she markets the most sought after product in the world; which is 'beauty'. All her products are sold as hot bread all around the globe. She claims that she does not cell mere cosmetics but it is the rich Indian civilization that is marketed by her. It is high time for every woman to be grateful to Shahnaz Husain for it is only this women who wipes away the wrinkles from your faces, it is she who helps you to look like in 20s when you are in 50s, and it is only she who makes you farer than a European women when actually your complexion exactly matches a coal piece.


Shahnaz Husain’s day typically begins with twenty minutes of yoga and stretching exercises. “It’s good to keep the body supple,” she says. Next comes a 20-minute soak in bath water sprinkled with rose petals and drops of sandalwood oil. Ghazal music is usually playing softly. Husain washes her face with milk and graham flour. After the bath, she uses her Shaflower lotion, which counts wild turmeric and conessi bark among its active ingredients. A pedicure, manicure and a facial massage with aloe vera follow. Twice a week, Husain treats her hair with 16 egg whites mixed with lemon juice and olive oil. To keep her enormous mane a deep burgundy, she regularly applies a blend of henna powder, ground coffee beans, lemon juice, tea and as many as 20 eggs.  I can vouch that washing your face with gramfluor and milk makes ur skin glow and your acne issues should go away... try it and see for yourself.