Indian Beauty Secrets

Ancient Indians have transferred the well kept beauty secrets to their future generation. 
Out of the Indian beauty aids, sandalwood has a unique place. It has been used as a cream, medicine as well as a make up in India. Explore those explicit beauty secrets of sandalwood to enhance your beauty!

In India, two varieties of sandalwood are used for skintreatment. The white sandal is used for make-up and skin care. The red sandal has been widely acclaimed for its medicinal values and skin care abilities.

Sandalwood skin care
Sandalwood is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic remedy for many skin complaints and conditions. It is also known to cleanse and condition the skin, leaving it moisturized, free of germs and protected from the harmful rays of the sun. Application of the sandalwood paste on your body ensure a glowing skin to you.

Sandalwood & turmeric
Make a paste to treat pimples with 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder with 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Add one teaspoon of water to make the paste, and apply to pimples before bed as a nighttime treatment. Add a small piece of camphor to the recipe for an added cooling effect. Your pimples will vanish without a scar within a very short period.

Sandalwood & Rosewater
Sandalwood powder combined with rosewater can be used as a mask to treat acne. Combine 2 teaspoons of sandalwood with enough rosewater to make a spreadable mixture. Spread it evenly on your face and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. This is also a pleasantly cooling treatment for acne on the chest and back.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil can be used for massage and as a moisturizer. Sandalwood's cooling effect soothes the skin. If your skin suffers from hot and itchy symptoms, try sandalwood oil to cool them off. To make your own, add sandalwood powder to your favorite oil and let it sit overnight before use.

Sandalwood & Almond
Mix 5 tablespoons of coconut oil with 2 teaspoons of almond oil. Add 4 teaspoons of sandalwood powder and apply the mixture to the overexposed areas. This sandalwood tone oil will keep your skin complexion even. It will also remove the suntan and will stimulate a fairer complexion.

The ancient Indian philosophy of Ayurveda is known for teaching how to live in harmony with your inner self. Techniques include the Ayurvedic face lift massage, and beauty-focused yoga routines. The basic principle states that each person is governed by the three dashes of kapha, vata and pitta. Though everyone has a dominant dosha, which influences everything from skin type to personality, keeping all three in balance is the key to inner health and outer beauty. Yoga is one element of Ayurveda.

Benefits of Bindi Care:
Bindi products are created for specific Doshas that are more effective. Bindi is created with plant and herbal ingredients that have powerful and specific healing properties. Bindi products balance the skin and scalp at the cellular level and prevent its aging effects. The herbal ingredients in Bindi products have the curative powers found in individual herbs which are combined with other herbs to create powerful products. Natural fragrances of flower and herb extracts help to calm the nerves and induce relaxation.

True Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep:
Skin and hair problems are often due to stress, environmental toxins, and accelerated aging. Skin care treatments re-establish balance from deep within the tissues, gently removing impurities . Nourishing the skin with herbs, milk, and flower essences, to restore a lustrous complexion.

Beauty Steam Treatments:
A gentle application of warm herbalized sesame oil is first applied to the skin. This not only helps eliminate toxins from the skin's surface, but also protects the pores from becoming over-dilated. Next comes a gentle steam bath. Specific herbs are added to the steam to promote cohesion between the cells. The steam carries the molecules of herbs to a deep level of the skin, restricting dilation and pacifying the three doshas.

Milk and Floral Waters:

Bathing the face and body with special milk products and floral waters allows the tiny nutritious molecules of milk to lubricate the skin and to be easily absorbed without clogging the pores.

Mud Treatments:
Specific types of mud, which naturally collects on large rock formations in remote regions of India during the rainy season and then gets purified naturally by the sun, is used for these skin rejuvenation treatments. Mud treatments alone inherently have a more cleansing and less nutritive effect, Natural hands-on tips for giving your face a little lift. Your fingers are a mini-massage machine.

Tumeric is used in Indian food, but it is also used in beauty supplies in India and is rapidly being adopted in the United States and other places. Tumeric exfoliates dead skin to reveal a brighter complexion. It is usually mixed together with honey (one of nature’s best moisturizers) for normal-to-dry skin. You can make your own complexion-beautifying cleanser at home. In a small bowl, combine 1 tsp. of honey with a pinch of tumeric powder (do not too much since it can stain the skin) and mix until it becomes a paste. Smooth over your face and let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse.
Indian women take mind-clearing strolls called a prana walk. This is part of the ancient Indian medical practiceayuveda, the common prescription for tiredness and brain fog.