Natural Lip Care

Natural Lips Tips

Here are some natural tips for your lips.

  1. Massage your lips with lemon juice, to avoid the black colour of lips. 
  2. Apply mint juice or coriander leaf juice everyday to get rosy and smooth lips.
  3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Grind rose petals and apply on lips to get smooth pink lips.
  4. Exfoliate your lips once a week. Wet a soft toothbrush and gently brush your lips with a circular motion.
  5. Black lips have been caused by drinking too much tea, coffee or by smoking, so you try avoid this.
  6. Apply a mixture of lemon and glycerine to your lips every night, before turning in. Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. This should help lighten your lips.
  7. Grate raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it.apply this milk on your lips.
  8. Eat plenty of raw cucumber and smoothen your lips and glowing your skin.
  9. Apply Vaseline or ghee every night before going to bed time.this keeps lips moisturised
  10. Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water a day so your body is well hydrated.
  11. Always use moisturizer lotion on lips during winter months to ensure soft lips.
To enhance the color of your lips, you should exfoliate them on a regular basis. Exfoliation gets rid of the thick dead skin on the surface of your lips and therefore makes your lips softer and smoother. You can make a gentle almond and lemon juice lip scrub. To do this, you can lightly roast and grind a few almonds. Add less than half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the crushed nuts and mix it thoroughly so that you have a slightly coarse but thick mixture. Add a teaspoon of honey to this mixture and use it to scrub your lips very gently. You can apply the scrub and leave it on for a minute or two before you start to massage it into your lips. This will help to get rid of the excess skin without damaging the delicate lower layer of skin on your lips. If you have thickened skin on your lips, it would be advisable to apply petroleum jelly on your lips overnight and then use this scrub in the morning. The petroleum jelly will help to soften the thickened skin and will allow it to be removed easily. After you have finished using the scrub, rinse your lips well with warm water. It is important to rinse your lips well as lemon juice can react with sunlight and cause the darkening of the skin. Once you have rinsed your lips, make sure that you moisturize them. Moisturizing is very important as it ensures that the moisture is trapped within your skin and this prevents your skin from drying. You can mix a drop each of castor oil and olive oil and apply this blend of oils to your lips. Olive oil is easily absorbed by the skin and helps the skin to retain its smooth texture. Castor oil on the other hand is a thick oil that is not easily absorbed by the skin and so it remains on the surface giving your lips a glossy look.