To Get Pink Lips

Rosy lips have always been a desire for every woman. The lips generally lose their natural color owing to lack of vitamins in the diet. Also the use of low quality lipsticks causes darkening of the lips. Some people are born with naturally dark lips too. Here are few home remedies to own rosy lips.
The right food helps a lot in restoring color to the lips. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. Include Vitamin C in your daily diet. Gooseberry, tomatoes and oranges are rich in Vitamin C.
Try to stay away from too much of sunlight. Just as sunlight tans your skin, it has a darkening effect on your lips too.
Before going to bed, apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon juice and glycerin. Leave it overnight. With regular use, the natural color the lips will get restored.
A mixture of ½ teaspoon castor oil and few drops of almond oil, if applied regularly on your lips, it will turn pink in color, and will have a smooth texture.
Habitual application of gooseberry juice, tomato juice or coconut oil, helps in adding color to the lips.
Use always good quality branded lip sticks. Use of local brands darkens the lips. The current trend is use of lip gloss over the lipstick for a shiny look. Use of only lip balm is most effective,  it keeps the lips moisturized, and thus soft.
To get a complete look, it is advisable to use a little bit of foundation on the lips before applying lipstick.
Appling, beetroot juice on the lips every alternate day helps in giving it a natural pink color.
Rose Petals with milk is a better solution