Egyptian Beauty Secret

Ancient Beauty Secrets               

Warning: if you're not sure about allergic reactions to any of these ingredients, test a small amount first on a less sensitive area of skin, (i.e., not your face).

Ancient Egyptian Skin Cream 

One Teaspoon Sweet Almond Oil
Two Drops of Essential oil of Frankincense
Massage on clean face nightly.

Ancient Egyptian Hair Tonics (to encourage growth) included one or more of the following:

Fir oil, rosemary oil, (sweet) almond oil, castor oil and fennugreek.

Fenugreek was also added to facial tonics.

Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey, (and Indonesian princesses in sheep or cows milk - skin is not rinsed afterwards, cleansing skin with milk is also recommended in Ayurvedic beauty). In Egypt, skin was frequently oiled not just after bathing but throughout the day with almond oil fragrenced with frankincense and myrrh.

Not only hair but nails were dyed with henna in Egypt and other parts of the Near and Far East. Persians believed that henna dyes, which they used to stain both their hair and faces, let them summon the majesty of Mother Earth.

Cleopatra also discovered the benefits of adding 1-2 c of dead sea salt into a bath, the minerals contained in it combat stress and aging.

In Morocco, Olive Oil, (extra-virgin), has long been relied upon as a body moisturizer and hair conditioner (warmed).

In both Egypt and Mesopotamia, lavender, lily, myrrh, thyme, marjoram, chamomile, peppermint, rosemary, cedar, rose, aloe, olive oil, sesame and almond oil provided the basic ingredients of most perfumes. Romans used oil based perfumes in their baths. In the Middle Ages in Europe, long hot baths period were considered a beauty treatment.

In ancient Indonesia, hair was rinsed with coconut milk to strengthen and condition it. For bathing, flowers like jasmine, gardenia, hibiscus, magnolia, and rose were added to water. Coconut oil was used to soften skin.

Ancient Mayan Beauty Oil

Suspend 1 Tbsp shredded Creosote Bush leaves and 1 Tbsp shredded Sagebrush in a paper towel tied with a rubber band in 1 c water. Sit overnight.

In the morning, squeeze out the excess liquid from the bag. Add to it 1 tbsp sunflower oil, put liquid into jar or bottle with tight lid.Refrigerate and splash face with it daily. (Make a new batch each week). Shake thoroughly before using. Apply to clean skin in am and at bedtime. Leave on for a minute then pat dry.

Avocadoes were also used in the ancient Mayan beauty regimen. Mash ½ of a fresh ripe avocado and apply it evenly to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes, and rinse it with warm water.

For a conditioning Maya hair wrap, combine 1 avocado, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 banana and 2 egg yolks. Apply evenly, wrap it with plastic. Allow the to sit on your hair for at least an hour. Rinse, shampoo. Avacado slices will also decrease eye puffiness.

Ayurveda Beauty tips from Ancient India:

To add glow to skin, grate raw coconut and squeeze out milk. Apply milk to face and lips.

Facial Moisturizer:

1 tbsp orange juice
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 c yogurt

mix to make paste. Apply it as mask and leave on for 15 minutes. Clean off with wet tissue.


1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp cream
apply to face and wash off after 3-5 min.

Sandalwood Masque

Sandalwood powder
Tumeric Powder

Mix as a paste, apply to face and wash off after 3-5 min.